WELCOME TO THE World hunter field target championships 2024 INTERNATIONAL TEAMS PAGE
The Global Home of Hunter Field Target
"get the basics right and the rest will fall in to place, every step and every pellet at a time. that's how you become good at this game"
- 2009 world hunter field target champion kieran turner
One of the great things about WHFTA events is that International HFT Teams can duke it out to see who will be crowned the overall WHFTA Team Champions (along with bragging rights).So, how does it work?
An International Team can consist of up to 6 Team members with the top 4 scoring team members overall scores over the 2 days counting towards the overall team score. Trophy places for International Teams are awarded for 1st – 3rd. If an International Team is skilled enough to place in the trophy positions every International Team member will receive a trophy irrespective of if their score counted towards the overall team score.
Qualifying to compete for an International Team
international teams are responsible for their own assessment criteria for country representatives.
For UK Based Teams such as England and Wales in order to compete as part of the respective International Team the recommended qualification criteria is to be taken from the countries national HFT league series (UKAHFT) from the previous season (2023). The top 6 seeded competitors (taken from all classes) from the respective nationality will qualify as being able to compete as part of their International Team. In the event of one of the qualifying team members not being able to take part in the WHFTA event or not wishing to be part of the team, the next placed competitor from the national league of the respective nationality will qualify for the place and so on. For non-UK based International Teams we encourage a similar methodology be adopted.
Now for those that cry out of an injustice here, just cool your jets! This criterion is in place to ensure that UK based national teams of absolute HFT Superstars aren’t created and that those that have committed and competed within a national HFT series are rewarded for their endeavours. As HFT has been running for much longer in the UK, their evolution is a few steps ahead of many nations and as such have much more established leagues and more available competitors to pool from. As time goes on and evolution takes place, we hope that a different approach can be manufactured. In the grand scheme of things, we just want as many people from different countries taking part as possible and for a team event to exist! We understand that in some instances the above cannot be maintained, we all live busy lives and it is tricky to keep the overall balance of life in play. So, if the above cannot be achieved please get in touch with the WHFTA team via email at [email protected] and we can work out a solution together. Just for reference the only official form of correspondence is via email and as such any communication away from that is not considered.
Submitting a Team Sheet
Nominated International Team Captains are to submit their International Teams no later than 1st August 2024. Submissions are to be made to [email protected] and must include the following information.
Name of country being represented Full names of International Team Members Name of nominated Team Captain
In order for WHFTA to register an International Team as taking part we require this information to be submitted to us, if no submission is received by WHFTA then it is our assumption that there will be no International Team being represented.