whfta Gallery
Here you'll find some great images from past WHFTA events. Including the prestigious 'Hall of Fame', where HFT'ers have carved their names into HFT folk law.
Be sure to check out the not only the galleries but also the video below which gives a great insight into what the HFT community is all about. Hopefully you'll get a good 'feel' for HFT and also be able to check out a wide array of HFT set ups. For even more images head over to our Facebook and Instagram pages by clicking the icons below!
Be sure to check out the not only the galleries but also the video below which gives a great insight into what the HFT community is all about. Hopefully you'll get a good 'feel' for HFT and also be able to check out a wide array of HFT set ups. For even more images head over to our Facebook and Instagram pages by clicking the icons below!