Do you have a standout memory from then or did it all feel like a bit of a blur?
Honestly, my standout memories come not from the shooting aspect but from the people. I really enjoyed the social aspect. Relaxing with a couple of drinks with like minded people chatting about the day’s competition.
I was pleased that I kept my discipline, focus and cool throughout the two days. I got every single positional shot throughout the two days and pretty much everything else just kept falling over. To actually pick up that trophy was a brilliant feeling though. Before my goal was to make the top 10 but to walk away the HFT World Champion was amazing. But overall, I will cherish the whole experience. What is the best piece of advice you would give to anyone getting into the sport?
Don’t be scared to change your kit. Now in order to do this you have to have a good level of experience and level of confidence in your own ability, not only as a shooter but as a problem solver. I’ve changed so much of my kit to find the right things that suit me. You have to go through the entire process repeatedly to learn what truly works. From this process you learn so many lessons that in the long run you do reap success from. It’s taken me the best part of 5 years to get to this stage.
Speaking of kit, what was the set up you used to with the HFT World Championship?
I used an ISP Airstream with an MTC Connect 3-12x32. After my entire searching and swapping process I found that this rifle suited me and my style of shooting the best. As I mentioned before, going through the process found me the rifle and I’ve had or used most rifles out there. From Air Arms, Anshutz to Steyrs I’ve used most of them and have won a lot with them but just not in the same consistent way as the ISP. I owe a lot to the ISP, it has won me everything in the last two years!
Where do you think HFT will go in the future, is there anything you would like to see come in?
I think it will continue to grow in popularity, the more people that give it a go the more people will become hooked. Part of me would like to see the FT scoring system introduced but I can see as to why that isn’t used.
Is there any HFT shooter you look up to?
Elliott Compton. One year in the UKAHFT National Series the guy was an absolute beast! Without a doubt that year, the most consistent shooter ever! He is also a top bloke!