Welcome to the WHFTA 2025 Competitor Information page. Here you will find all the relevant information you need for competing in your 2025 HFT World Championship. If there is something you can’t find an answer for, please drop us a message by completing the Contact Form at the bottom of this page, we will ask that you do read the information below before reaching for the Contact Form.
Pre Event Preperation We recommend that all WHFTA 2025 Competitors make themselves familiar with the latest WHFTA Rules, follow the link HERE. Honestly, so long as you understand the key safety points and the overall concept you will be fine, there will always be someone on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Next, we highly recommend that each Competitor checks their rifles on a good quality chronograph prior to attending WHFTA 2025. We will be chronographing every rifle on both days of the event. Any rifle that is found to be over the UK legal limit of 12ft/lbs (16j) will be disqualified from the competition. We do not want this to happen to anyone, we want everyone who starts the competition to successfully complete it. So, long story short please chronograph your rifles prior to attending, we cannot make the WHFTA chronograph available to Competitors prior to the event. Please do familiarise yourself with your shooting Group and the Session timings (discussed in more detail below) prior to attending. We really don’t want anyone missing their allotted session. Similarly, we don’t want everyone arriving way in advance of their session time.
How do I get to WHFTA 2025? Head on over to the 'getting to WHFTA 2025' page for all the information you need on how to get to WHFTA 2025, including international travel.
Catering at WHFTA 2025 There will be some legit catering at WHFTA 2025. So, leave your packed lunches and sandwiches at home! Honestly, the catering is top notch and is run by the very lovely landowner’s family. The quality of the produce is fantastic and is great value for money.
Will there be onsite camping available at WHFTA 2025? There will be onsite camping available for WHFTA 2025, head on over to the 'Camping Page' to grab your spot.
Venue General Conduct We are genuinely privileged to have access to this incredible venue, and it is imperative that each of us treats the ground with the utmost respect. We request that everyone attending WHFTA 2025 bears this in mind. The venue is essentially someone’s back garden, so we ask that we treat it as if it were our own property. all of us are representatives of the HFT community so let's not drop the ball! Key points that need reiterating are:
Speeding – The site speed limit is 5mph, this needs to be adhered to at all times. Anyone found to be speeding excessively on the grounds will be asked to leave the event.
Litter – Please use the bins on site or take any litter with you. Anyone found to be littering deliberately will be asked to leave the event.
Parking – Please park where directed by the WHFTA parking marshals. There is sufficient space to park for everyone. However, everyone must play their part in ensuring we are all efficiently parked. Only those with genuine disabilities or those offloading stores will be able to park in the immediate vicinity of the WHFTA staging area. We do not have the space for everyone in this location, with this in mind those requiring to park closer MUST contact WHFTA by completing the Contact Form at the bottom of this page. If this is not done, we cannot guarantee we can facilitate your requirements.
Dogs – Only dogs as agreed with the WHFTA team prior to the event are allowed on site. If you arrive with your dog and it hasn’t been agreed with the team you WILL be asked to leave.
Event General Conduct
We ask all those attending WHFTA 2025 to follow a few simple and reasonable rules in addition to the competition rules.
Safety – We are all responsible for each other’s safety and conduct. Please do approach anyone who is acting unsafely in a polite and respectful manner. Often, they are completely unaware of their actions at the time. On the opposite side of the coin, if someone approaches you about your conduct, please receive any points given respectfully.
Respect - Treat everyone with courtesy and respect at all times. These simple things cost nothing. This applies to other Competitors, Marshals, WHFTA Organisers, the catering staff, EVERYONE! Anyone found to be acting aggressively, making lewd comments in front of minors or behaving unreasonably will be asked to leave the event immediately. There is a ZERO tolerance approach to this for WHFTA 2025 and this applies to EVERYONE.
Newcomers - For many this will be there first HFT World Championship, so we request everyone to encourage, support and exercise patience with anyone new to this event. we are confident without you guys will play your part in this!
Complaints - If you have a complaint or want to remark negatively on something, please approach a WHFTA Organiser in a respectful and calm manner. There is zero need to approach any of the team ranting and raving. Please see point 1.
If I have to be accompanied by someone for welfare needs what do I do? Easy, get in touch with us by filling in the Contact Form at the bottom of this page and we'll work with you to come up with a solution.
Will there be manufacturers attending WHFTA 2025 ? Yes! There will be a handful of reputable manufacturers attending WHFTA 2025, keep your eyes peeled for more information as to who these will be as we ramp up towards the event!